For specialist 11+ tuition please contact to empower your child to ACE 11 plus exams and get admission in TOP GRAMMAR and INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS 

General Information for preparing St Olave’s grammar school 11+

St Olave’s grammar school 11+

About St Olave’s Grammar School

St Olave’s is a super selective grammar school for Boys based in Orpington,Bromley. It is generally considered to attract students with very high attainment. Its 11 plus examination is considered to be one of the most challenging for grammar schools in England. St Olave school has a specialism in mathematics and computing. Girls are admitted in 6th form. In the school there is a strong emphasis of nurturing young minds with wisdom, honesty and character building values. They provide excellent teaching that enables students to attain the highest levels of academic achievement. They prepare students for admission to and success at the best universities. It is one of the country’s highly successful  voluntary-aided selective schools. The academic results are one of the best in the country. Every year large number of students go to Oxford & Cambridge universities. Apart from academic success school also values sporting, cultural and moral excellence. This school has 450 years of distinguished history.(Formed under Royal charter from Queen Elizabeth 1 in 1571)

London Borough London – Bromley
School Address St Olave’s Grammar School, Goddington Lane, Orpington BR6 9SH
Type Grammar school for boys
Places in Year 7 124
Exam Format   Entrance to Year 7 is via a two stage process sat at the School which determines whether or not candidates are of the School’s required standard for a selective education. The process is academically demanding and they generally expect only those students who have high attainment and rigorous preparation to pass the tests. Stage 1: The Selective Eligibility Test (SET) assesses students competency in English, Maths ,Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Stage 2:Those students who pass Stage 1 test are then invited for the stage 2 Entrance Test for Mathematic and English. The English paper will assess the students competency in Reading as well in Writing skills. The Mathematics Test Paper will consist of questions of generally increasing difficulty. The results from Stage 1 & 2 test are aggregated and the total scores are used to generate a ranking of students based on their marks. Importantly St Olave have no catchment area and admission is purely on merits.
Competition Very High.It is considered to be a super selective grammar school for boys.
School Website
Elite 11 Plus Tuition We provide tailor made 11 preparation programme for the St Olave 11 plus entrance examination. Please contact us for further details.

Disclaimer: Please check with the latest school website and Bromley council site for latest up to date information.

11 Plus Exam Preparation for St Olave’s Grammar School


One of the hardest exams in the country for Grammar school admission. No catchment. No benefit to summer born children.

Stage I Exam

School’s Selective Eligibility Test (SET), comprising Logic, Mathematics and English questions, designed to determine whether or not candidates are of the School’s required standard for a selective education.

Stage II Exam

Pupils passing the SET will then be invited to sit second stage tests in English and Mathematics. These will take place before the end of the Autumn term. Scores will be standardised and then aggregated, together with the SET marks, to allow a ranking of candidates. The testing will be competitive and the first one hundred and twenty four in rank order will be offered places. In the event of aggregate


Standardised scores being tied for two or more candidates the final rank order will be determined using performance in the Mathematics paper, then, if required, the creative writing, then the English multiple choice, then the SET.

The testing is competitive and the first 124 in rank order will be offered places. In the event of aggregate scores being tied on the final place(s) in the rank order, candidates will be offered places firstly on the basis of performance in the Mathematics test and then, if required, on the basis of their score in the creative writing section of the English test.

Selective Eligibility Test (SET)

The Selective Eligibility Test (SET) will consist of around 60 questions and be split into four
sections. The test will last for 1 hour and candidates will be told when to start and finish each

Section A: English (comprehension)

Section B: Mathematics

Section C: Verbal reasoning

Section D: Non-verbal reasoning

All questions will be multiple choice. In each section, candidates will have to work out which is the
correct answer from five possible options.

Section One tests Reading: assessing candidates by multiple choice questions, based on fiction or non-fiction passages and some questions on basic grammar. Section Two tests Reading and Writing: Part (a) requires candidates to explain and justify inferences with evidence from a text, such as a poem. Part (b) assesses the ability to write choosing a form and content appropriate to the task; use syntax and paragraphing to shape meaning; use punctuation correctly and expressively; use vocabulary creatively; spell accurately; use handwriting, layout and presentation effectively.

11 Plus Preparation For Your Kids

We sincerely believe that your childs well being is important as we think 11 plus preparation can be stressfull for most kids. Some children are naturally skilled in dealing with additional pressure on account of 11 plus while there may be some kids who might feel stressed and show performance anxiety. We at Elite 11 Plus Tuition have teachers who are fully qualified UK teachers and who have experience in working with children to alleviate their stress and provide techniques and strategies to reduce preformance stress and increase mental sharpness.

If you want to know more about this the please drop us an email at or call us at 0330 113 7996 now.